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Setup Google Workspace in 4 steps

How to set up Google Workspace (G Suite) in 4 steps (with screenshots)

Here’s a quick overview of the steps that you’ll need to take to set up Google Workspace with your website and professional email address:

  1. Register an account and go through the Google Workspace setup wizard
  2. Add other users to your account (optional)
  3. Verify domain ownership with Google by adding a TXT record to your DNS records
  4. Set up email by adding MX records

Ready? Here’s how to set up Google Workspace…

Step 1: Complete the Google Workspace (G Suite) account setup wizard

To get started, you’ll need to create your actual Google Workspace account.

To do that, head here and click the big Get Started button:

Google Workspace get started

This will launch the account setup wizard, which will prompt you to provide Google with some information.

First, enter some basic information about your account. Then, click Next:

set up Google Workspace

On the next screen, you’ll need to enter the information for your Google Workspace admin account.

If you’ve already set up email through your host, you use that email in the Current email address box. Otherwise, you can enter a personal email address:

Contact information

Next, indicate whether your business already has a domain name. If you already have a website that you want to use with Google Workspace, you should choose Yes, I Have One I Can Use:

Existing domain name

Then, enter your existing domain name in the box and click Next:

Enter domain name

Then, click Next again to confirm that you want to use that domain name:

Confirm domain name

After that, you’ll need to enter a secondary recovery email address, which you’ll use in case you can’t access your primary email address. For example, you could enter your personal Gmail address here, if you have one:

Enter secondary email

Then, you’ll need to enter a username and password that you’ll use to sign into Google Workspace. Your username will be your business email address by default (i.e. [email protected]), so you should keep that in mind when choosing which username to use.

Then, click Agree And Create Account to finish the process:

Choose Google Workspace (G Suite) usernname

Step 2: Add other people to Google Workspace (optional)

Once you finish the wizard above, you’ll see a confirmation that your account was created, as well as a button to Go To Setup. Go ahead and click that button:

Google Workspace set-up

If you want to give other people access to your shared Google Workspace account, click Start next to Add people to your Google Workspace account. Then, you’ll be able to add additional users.

If you’re the only person who will use this Google Workspace account, just check the box for I added all user email… and click Next:

Add new Google Workspace (G Suite) users

Step 3: Verify your domain name with Google

This is the technical part where we need the login you just created for this acccount, and we can login as you to update the domain settings to get the domain verified and then help setup the first emails.