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#StandWithUkraine and ways you can help


Ukraine is fighting off a Russian invasion and defending its freedom. Right now Russia is waging a war and attacking Ukrainian cities by land, air, and sea.

A lot of people want to help and don't know where to start. Well here you go! A list of places you can donate to help people across the world from you.

Some ways to help:

Help the people

More than 1,000,000 people had to leave their homes since the start of the invasion. Here’s how you can help internally displaced people, children, and refugees:

The entire world stands with Ukraine now, providing weapons, humanitarian aid, and imposing sanctions against Russia. You can encourage your government to take more action to help Ukraine fight back:

Help the Ukrainian Defence

Ukraine is defending Europe’s eastern border from the Russian army, one of the biggest and strongest armed forces in the world.

Help the animals

The situation in animal shelters is alarming, most of them are on the verge of survival. 

Apps built in Ukraine have empowered Millions of people worldwide.

Glory to Ukraine!

The NWMC Team
