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Domain issues and DNS
6 articles

Pointing your domain to hosting with A records

A Records are what point your domain to your website hosting. The first thing you’ll need to do to add an A Record is to make sure that you are using's default nameservers (which point computers looking for your DNS records to where they need to go.). Once you are on our nameservers, follow...

Business owners Register yourself as the owner of the domain name

Some business owners make the mistake of not checking to ensure whoever registers their domain name does so under the business owner's name. It's very important to be sure you are the domain owner and administrative contact.It's an obvious, yet common, mistake made by business owners to let a web de...

What is a Domain Name? Here's How it Works!

The Best Domain Registrars Of 2022

What is a Domain Name Registrar A domain name registrar is a company that allows you to purchase and register domain names. All domain name registrars are accredited by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), a non-profit organization responsible for managing domain names.Domain ...

Top 3 Things to Watch Out for When Choosing a Domain Name Registrar

Due to the competition in the domain registration business, you will come across companies with some very attractive offers. While these offers may look good, there may be some downsides that you may not notice right away.Following are a few things to watch out for when choosing a domain name regist...

Transferring a domain to Square Space

Step 1 - Unlock your domain Follow your current provider’s instructions to unlock your domain and make it available for transfer. Your domain can’t transfer while locked.Certain country-specific domains, like, .de, and .uk, can't be locked and won't need to be unlocked to transfer. If you aren...