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Transferring a domain to Square Space

Step 1 - Unlock your domain

Follow your current provider’s instructions to unlock your domain and make it available for transfer. Your domain can’t transfer while locked.

Certain country-specific domains, like, .de, and .uk, can't be locked and won't need to be unlocked to transfer. If you aren't sure if your domain needs to be unlocked, contact your current provider.

Step 2 - Get the authorization code

Get the authorization code from your provider. This may also be called an “EPP code” or “transfer key.” You might find this in your provider’s settings, or they might email it. Some providers may need a day or two to generate this code, so we recommend requesting it as soon as you’ve unlocked your domain.

You’ll enter this code during the transfer process, so ensure you have access to it, or copy and paste it in a secure place.

Step 3 - Start the transfer and enter the authorization code

Begin the transfer process in your Squarespace site’s Domains panel:

  1. Open the Domains panel
  2. for the Squarespace site you're transferring to..
  3. Click Use a domain I own.
  4. Enter the full domain name you’re transferring in the Enter domain field, then click the arrow.
  5. Click Transfer Domain.
  6. In the Authorization Code field, paste the authorization code, then click Save and Continue.

Step 4 - Review and confirm the registration details

In the Registration panel, confirm the contact information associated with the domain is correct. These fields automatically populate with registration information we detect from your Whois records with your original registrar. For help formatting these fields, visit Domain contact information.